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Using AI for Preventative Mental Health: Addressing Subclinical Distress among

Young Adults

Eddie Lou, Phillips Academy Andover

September 30, 2023


Despite heightened awareness, challenges endure in diagnosing and treating mental health issues due to the subjectivity of diagnosis, varied treatment responses, and limited access to specialists. Artificial intelligence (AI) emerges as a promising avenue for addressing these complexities, particularly in light of the substantial number of young adults grappling with subclinical mental health issues, exacerbated by societal pressures that encourage distressing psychological behaviors. As a result, young adults often refrain from seeking treatment, driven by misconceptions about the severity of their symptoms and the perceived obstacles overshadowing the potential advantages of seeking help. This paper aims to explore this issue from both individual and social perspectives, leveraging psychological frameworks such as the Health Belief Model and social norms. Furthermore, potential remedies will be suggested, involving the application of AI in alignment with these psychological concepts.

Keywords: Mental Health, Subclinical Distress, Artificial Intelligence, Young Adults



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