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Unmasking Connections: The Intricate Dance between AI and Social Anxiety Disorder

Fanxiu Sophie Qiu, International Department, Affiliated High School of South China Normal University

September 30, 2023


Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD) is a prevalent global anxiety disorder. Roughly 50% of individuals may encounter it by age 11, and this figure rises to approximately 80% by age 20. Nonetheless, recent years have yielded promising research concerning using Artificial Intelligence (AI) for diagnosing and treating diverse mental health conditions, including SAD. The potential for AI to reshape the mental healthcare landscape is substantial, as AI is revolutionizing mental health and social anxiety disorder therapy. It can personalize treatment strategies, analyze diagnostic information, and provide continuous assistance. This article seeks to demonstrate social anxiety disorder's impact on daily life from personal and societal standpoints utilizing psychological concepts. Moreover, it will introduce a potential remedy for social anxiety disorder while underscoring AI's role in therapy and diagnosis in psychology.

Keywords: Social anxiety disorder, strategies, AI, Mental healthcare



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