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The Influence of Highschool Students’ Attachment Style on Interpersonal Skill and Interpersonal Association Efficacy

ChengHuizhu, Tong Xiaole, Wang Zixin, Zhao Zhenglin HighSchool Affiliated to Renmin University of China

December 31, 2023


As for the schools in 21 centuries,studying is not the only demand for students. This text takes RDFZ 11th-grade students as samples, analyzing the influence of attachment style on social skills. For those two fields which earngreat consideration but have little relation with each other, the main purpose of this research is to combine them. After the shock of the COVID pandemic, this research can provide a reliable approach for students who want to improve their social skills. The attachment style is chosen as the main independent variable, while the dependent variable is the social skill. Further, attachment style is divided into attachment anxiety and attachment avoidance. Social skill consists of interpersonal skill, interpersonal association efficacy, and the cognitive bias contributed by the gap between these two. The conclusion is drawn from thequestionnaire survey chosen at random: the gap between interpersonal skill and interpersonal associationefficacy for secure attachment and preoccupied attachment is greater than dismissing-avoidant attachment and fearful attachment. When the interpersonal skills remain the same, the interpersonal association skill for males is greater than females.
Key Words: Interpersonalskill,Interpersonalassociation efficacy

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