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Newfound Hybrid Brain Cells Send Signals like Neurons Do


Editor: Zhancheng Liu

November 28, 2023

In a recent development in neuroscience, researchers have identified a unique type of brain cell that exhibits properties of both neurons and glial cells. These "hybrid" cells are capable of communicating using glutamate, which is the most prevalent neurotransmitter in the brain. This discovery, published in the journal Nature, challenges the traditional understanding of brain cells, where neurons were solely thought to be responsible for sending signals, while glial cells played supportive roles.

The study, led by neuroscientist Andrea Volterra from the University of Lausanne, Switzerland, utilized single-cell RNA sequencing to analyze brain cells in mice. This method allows for the detailed examination of individual cells' molecular characteristics. The researchers focused on the hippocampus, a region crucial for memory, and discovered a specific type of astrocyte, a glial cell, equipped with the machinery necessary for sending glutamate signals.

This finding explains why previous studies had inconsistent results regarding the communicative abilities of astrocytes. The specialized nature and limited presence of these hybrid cells in specific brain regions may have contributed to their previous oversight. Further research showed that these cells are not only found in mice but may also exist in humans, although direct observation in humans is still pending.

The implications of this discovery are significant for understanding brain function. Neuroscientists, who have traditionally focused on neurons in their models of brain circuits, may need to reconsider the role of these hybrid cells. Ongoing research aims to map the locations of these cells in the brain and investigate their potential involvement in neurological conditions such as epilepsy, Parkinson's disease, and Alzheimer's disease. The alteration of these cells in dementia, for example, could open new avenues for research and treatment strategies.