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Impact of Artificial Intelligence on the Mental Health, Therapy, and Well-being of Empty-Nest Youth

Mandy Tao, Havergal College

September 30, 2023


The "empty-nest youth" phenomenon comprises individuals aged 20-35 who live independently, are away from familial ties, have relatively secure employment, or pursue higher education. Exceeding 58 million in China, their demographic is confronted with distinctive stressors: solitude, financial concerns, absence of social affiliations, and heightened expectations, among several others, as they traverse the realm of independent adulthood without the aid of familial structure (Yu, 2018). Additionally, empty-nest youth represents a demographic facing complex psychological predicaments that surpass initial expectations, thus garnering societal and scholarly attention. In this milieu, the ascendancy of artificial intelligence (AI) has engendered a paradigm shift in mental health, therapy, and well-being. AI-powered tools and applications offer the possibility of democratizing tailored mental health care, granting individuals universal access to aid and resources. Furthermore, AI's capacity to expedite diagnostics and treatment by examining extensive data and uncovering latent patterns enhances the efficacy of mental health professionals. This paper uses the method of literature review to analyze the psychological status of empty-nest youth as well as the different possibilities of AI. By reviewing literature pieces, the potential of AI used in supporting mental health and well-being of empty-nest youths are extremely high. This exposition endeavors to identify a solution through AI to ameliorate the psychological well-being of emotionally distressed empty-nest youths, underscoring the need for a symbiotic rapport with AI technologies while upholding the fundamental role of human connectivity and self-care.

Keywords: Empty-nest youth, Artificial intelligence (AI), Mental health, Therapy, Well-being



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