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Examining the Nexus Between Gender Equality Perceptions and Sustainability Actions among High School Students in China

Zhancheng Liu, Haidian Foreign Language Academy 23

August 30, 2023



This study examines the relationship between one’s view on genderequality and sustainability actions among Chinese high school students through a self-developed survey based on the analytical frameworks from relevant indices. Despite revealing weak negative correlations between gender equality views and ecological footprint scores that are statistically insignificant, the re-search underscores the intricate interplay of socio-economic factors, age, and broader context in influencing sustainable behaviors. These findings advocate for comprehensive sustainability education, integrating environmental awareness and gender equality principles to foster paradigm shift and contribute to sustainable development. The study also emphasizes the need for further research with expanded demographics and quantification methods to refine these insights and guide effective policy interventions for addressing environmental challenges.

Keywords: sustainability; gender equality; environmental education; ecological footprint; high school;

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